Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's a date

It is almost May 1. Oh Oh! Would have been our 41 anniversary, had we stayed married. It is funny how something, in this case a date on the calendar, can bring back one of those memories I would rather forget. Tsk!

Speaking of dates. I have had a couple, thanks to eharmony! And a few phone conversations and some emailing. Putting oneself out there is hard. I am learning.

After a short while and some eharmony essay reading, I am finding that I need to update my wardrobe. My current clothes are fine for a barbecue with old friends but wrong for a date with a fellow. I have started painting my finger nails. I am considering perfumes. I have been more of the outdoor sporty type of gal before and I am trying to be a little more feminine and dare I say sexy, even if I am 63. And although I want to be myself, surely there is some flirty somebody hidden inside. Not to mention passion. A few changes in my old habits is welcoming, and I am enjoying making them and hoping to also make a better first impression, and oh, did I mention I even bought high heels and a dress, something I gave up a few years back.

Life continues to be an adventure with new roads before me all the time. There are setbacks of course, bumps, and poor signage, but I seem to be heading in the right direction, at least it seems that way.

So other than romance on my mind, I am enjoying the heat wave that finally settled into Florida bringing the sun and blue skies. As you know, this past winter was long and chilly. City events and activities have been plentiful and I have enjoyed volunteering, be it selling beer and wine or painting a rain barrel to be raffled off. Being single, I make the effort to attend these events just to be surrounded by all the terrific people who live in this town. This is a good place to be single.

Last week I went away with my friend, Donna. We went on a road trip to Savannah where we walked for hours following a self-guided tour booklet. We inhaled the southern smells of jasmine, savored fried green tomatoes, oysters, and beer, admired the huge overhanging oaks festooned with Spanish moss, and read all the historical markers in the squares of Savannah. We also walked Beaufort, SC, and spent a night on St. Simon's Island, both charming. We, throwing off any thoughts of healthy eating, started the trip with a stop at the Dairy Queen for a soft ice cream cone (which, being from Ohio, we both call frozen custard) and we ended with a cone on the long way home. Ahhhh. I think our getaway smiles will last for a while.

Next week I will head to Seattle to see the grand babies. I can't wait.


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