Sunday, February 8, 2009

I'll Start by Heading North

I've got the maps out. I'm marking the route. Three months on the road. Me, with myself and I for company.

I have decided on my first stop. I will spend the night in Apalachicola. A place that has always appealed to me for no particular reason. It is not on a direct route to anywhere. It's old Florida. It's hard to spell and I've never seen it by myself. Seems like a good start. After that, well, I'm open to suggestions.

I can take whatever fork in the road appeals to me. I plan on being flexible. To let fate and friends guide me. To watch for adventure and new experiences. To find new routes, my own road, and to realize that sometimes the road may not be a road at all.

I hope you will tell me about special places. Where you would go if you were going, even if you've haven't actually been there. Maybe you can meet me there? How cool would that be?

Anyway, I have time. The estimated day of departure is May 1. There's lots to do before I pack the car. Lots to plan. Lots of thoughts to think. Words to write.

Love Ya, Jan

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could stop and see Todd. He is NC now.
