Sunday, November 29, 2009

We are having an adventure here in Seattle. We, meaning, my daughter and her husband , their daughter, and their almost one week old son. There is something about a new baby that is totally awesome. Just think of the adventure he is beginning!

A new member in the family, forever, for always. They named my grandson Jake. His sister is Grace and it was pretty exciting when she joined us, four year ago, one day before Jake, a few days before Thanksgiving. Talk about having something to be thankful for....

As I write this at 6:15 AM, Jake is asleep in his car seat, which is not in the car, but situated on the living room floor beside me. He is asleep as is everyone else at the moment, except me of course. I love this time of the day when I have it all to myself, and I feel good, rested, and like I am getting a head start on everyone else. I know that by 9:00 tonight, I will be tired, and ready to turn over the day to the people of the night, but the morning is all mine!

I wonder about this new life. Where will he go, what will he do, what will he think, and what kind of person will he be? What will become important to him and why will it become so? Who will he love. Where will he travel. Endless possibilities. I have been doing and traveling and loving for 62 years and in my head 62 years seems like such a long time, but in reality, not long at all. I should have gone more places, did more stuff, had bigger dreams, and well, generally, lived with more flair, with more courage, with more laughter and abandon. I am trying to do that now, it ain't over by a long shot. I have time. (Don't get me wrong, however, it has been a pretty good life with a lot of great stuff in it! I am not complaining, it is just that......there is so much more!!!)

When I am ninety two, I hope to say, WOW, what a ride! And if I am lucky, I will be saying this while sipping expensive wine with someone I love at some elegant bistro in some exotic foreign city. Well, maybe when I am eighty two. (I can dream, can't I?)

I have been in Seattle for a little over a week now, and the days have been dreary, drizzly, and chilly, except for one. I do prefer Florida sunshine. I can imagine that after a few months this dreariness could bring a person down. But for now, it is cozy. And we have a new baby!


  1. What a wonderful Thanksgiving you had, hope everyone is great. Congratulations on your new Grandbaby! Post some pictures.
    Love ya,

  2. Little Jake sounds snuggy and wonderful along with Grace who now is big sister and sure to love that new roll. Congratulations to the family.

