Sunday, June 14, 2009


Rain, pretty much every day for the last five days. But it doesn’t fall till late afternoon so it isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

The drive down the mountains, although chilly and wet, was smooth on Interstate 40. I stopped in Georgetown, a small historic mining turned tourist town. It was another charming little place in the mountains, where if it weren’t for winter, would be a lovely place to live. I bought some amaretto fudge at a candy shop, and a couple bottles of wine at a little grocery. This would be my last stop in the mountains. After Georgetown, I coasted to Denver.

I am staying with friends. Susan and I have been best of friends since fourth grade in Northfield, Ohio. And we sure can talk. So that is what we spend a lot of time doing. I can share just about any thoughts with Susan knowing that she will listen with a good heart, know what I mean even if I don’t say it right, be supportive and loving. The best part is we laugh a lot. Together, we get it!

Friday, along with Susan’s sister, we went downtown see a 1960’s poster display at the DAM (Denver Art Museum). The Hippie, Haight Ashbury, flower child, Grateful Dead, LSD, Psychedelic, make love not war, era. Our era. Apparently we missed a lot of the stuff that went on at the Fillmore Theatre in San Francisco. Too busy being conventional back in the midwest. We briefly explored the rest of the museum, not quite knowing what to make of the modern art collection. For example: There was this gigantic yellow canvas with a red foot painted on it that had us curious about the reason it was even hanging in the museum? Who would choose that piece? Why? What does it mean? We didn’t get it.

I took the opportunity the next day (Susan was at work.) to get the dirty dusty car and my clothes organized and washed. It had to be done. And write blog words. And then I relaxed a little, watched reruns of “Married with Kids,” and chatted with Susan’s husband, Ron.

Next day, a nice breakfast out, the botanical gardens and a drive on the narrow steep roads of Red Rock Canyon while navigating through the torrential afternoon rain. Then home for a much needed glass of wine and a delicious steak dinner.

A good night sleep tonight and then back on the road. Next destination is in Kansas. This post is short because, as I said, Susan and I sure can talk, and I would rather do that. Bye.

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