Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm a morning person. Not everyone knows about the early morning, because they sleep late, but an hour or so before the sun comes up, there is a rush of wings, a whoose, a flapping, a scurry of unseen whatevers, an almost musical sound that for just a moment, is loud enough to wake me. And I'm up! A lot of people sleep right through it.

The morning is mine. It's quiet when I make it out of bed. The street is empty. If I listen, I can hear the waves breaking on the shore. The stars are still up there, twinkling at me. I offer my thank-yous for it all.

But the day! The day is filled with trying to connect with other people in a world where everyone is busy, overwhelmed, trying to figure something out with a variety of insistent demands on their time. Me too. Is this something new, or has it always been so?

While my Honda is about to take me on the journey of a lifetime, a road trip of major proportion, at least for me, this blog is becoming my other vehicle, moving my words from me to you and to anyone else who cares to know my thoughts.

I sometimes wonder, just for a really brief moment, whether, or not my ideas are good ones or not. Whether taking off for three months on the road, at my age, living in the tourist information center next door to my ex husband, (OK, maybe the next door part wasn't such a good idea, but moving the building would have been worse), and starting a blog and all, not to mention opening a new studio and gallery (Wabi-Sabi) in my information center because I am an artist at heart, well, I was just wondering. But then, one can't know until they go. Right? I said right?

I realize the inefficiency of my process. It's like not reading the directions until you are really stumped and have done what you weren't supposed to do until you did something else first. But that's pretty much how I do things. It is a little less demanding on my brain cells than studying my options, listing the pros and cons, and identifying the obstacles, not to mention reading the instrucions. I am finding my voice both in this blog and otherwise, and just shouting all over the place. I am following hunches. I've put my life on fast forward, perhaps making up for lost time. I am learning. I am facing my fears. I am curiously, over the top, frighteningly, thrilled.

But that's today. I will let you know about tomorrow.