Friday, February 27, 2009

Pretrip thinkin'

I have the feeling that where the roads go and where they will take me may not be the same place. Taking a really long road trip offers a lot of opportunities. Opportunities for sightseeing and exploring new places, but also opportunities for insight and exploring ones' self without the usual daily distractions of everyday life. You know, stuff like paying bills, cleaning bathrooms, and fixing what's broke. The stuff that keeps us busy, but not necessarily happily so. The mundane and redundant, like pulling weeds. But when we are home, that's what we think about, what needs to be done. When getting away from it all, nothing NEEDS to be done. That's part of the point of getting away from it all! Let the thinkin' go wild!

When I first conceived of taking a long road trip, my purpose was mainly, simply to travel. A road trip was the only way to be gone a long time and be able to afford it, as opposed to flying to Europe and renting a villa! Then came the idea to visit people along the way, which I find selfishly energising, and makes the trip even a little more affordable. I really didn't think I was going in search of myself or anything so metaphysical or psychological like that, but now I'm thinking maybe so.

People have suggested that after divorce, getting away from the familiar can help release bad feelings and tension. It can be invigorating. Sounds good to me. And living next door to my ex does involve a wee bit of tension. So going away could be a good thing for this newly divorced grandma's mental well being.

I am now thinking that it would be a fine thing to come home with a clear direction for the rest of my life, a renewed spirit, and a clear vision for the figurative road ahead. Would that be expecting too much? Actually, I already have a pretty good plan, but I'm open to redirection.

My question to you, do you have a pretty good plan? I mean about your future, where you see yourself in five years, ten, twenty? What does your perfect life look like? Are you living it? Will you? What sort of things do you want to do before you are 102 years old? Do you want to travel? Where? When? Click on the comments link at the end of this post and talk to me! I really want to know. Really. Or am I the only one thinking about this sort of "stuff?" I guess that would be good to know too.


  1. This is ping pong. You have to comment at my site next. A and I have continuous discussions about where to retire and when. They mostly end up with "we'll see where the kids settle". I hope he has some sort of business because he isn't a do-it-yoursel-er! I have a million hobbies and he has....2. Yikes!

  2. As far as the plan goes, I have one. The problem is it depends on who ends up driving the vehicle. My plan and his may be interesting to coordinate. We'll figure it out.

  3. I have been thinking about that more and more because retirement is around the corner. Next June probably. Tom and I have talked about it because he has been retired almost three years now. I would like to learn fencing. To me it is like dance, very graceful. Travel is also good. Our kids are all over so moving near them would be impossible except for Kim who is in Michigan. We look at it as places to visit. I will work part time because I think it would be hard to stop cold turkey with working. I would like to volunteer but I am not sure where or what yet.
