Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am officially 62

Today is my birthday.

Today I am 62. So it's official, when I start my journey I will be taking my 62 years on the road.

So right now, I am feeling perhaps, self indulgent and admit, that the pursuit of pleasure is one of my high priorities. This year I will be standing alone, taking action, starting fresh, and expressing independence. At least that's what it said in my horoscope. I don't usually read my horoscope, but today was different, it seemed like the thing to do.

It also said that I need to be patient and receptive, that I wouldn't be satisfied to conform, to expect sudden twists in life that force doing something different, that adjusting plans is in order, that setbacks are temporary and lead to more creative solutions and that I should act on intuition and gut feeling. There was a lot more to the horoscope, but I decided to choose the parts I liked and ignore the parts I didn't like, well, for instance this statement, "ambivalence may hinder and color interactions." I didn't like that prediction.

And now I am old enough for social security. Wow! It seems time flies whether you're having fun or not. Have I mentioned that I wonder why they call it SOCIAL security? You get a little check and so you have a little money and what has that got to do with "social" security, it doesn't even provide financial security. It doesn't insure you a place in society or help you make friends or really, do much of anything to make a person feel secure in any way. But I guess it is better than nothing at all. Just the same, I am 62 and I am taking all I can get.

I blew out candles on my chocolate birthday cake last night right after dinner with my usual Friday night dinner companions. I made a wish. I think birthday wishes carry a little more weight in the universe, so I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

It's my day. I ate cake for breakfast. I listened to happy birthday songs on YouTube. I put on a happy face and my dancing shoes. I am expecting something wonderful to happen! It's anything can happen day. I want to enjoy each moment.

And if I can do it for a day, why not for an entire year?

Let's get this show on the road!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY TOOO YYYOOUUUUU! I just got off the phone with you and the group of beach movie goers that are there to see Jaws. You are an inspiration to me. I remember all the wonderful times you sent me little poetry books at college or for my birthday, and little hand made cards and stuff. You help me love myself, love you and love people in general. Thanks Jan.

